Sometimes the hardest part is actually showing up to workout, let alone consistently working out. Here are the top five reasons I’ve seen people struggle with as a personal trainer. I’m sure you’re guilty of at least one. Let’s dive in and see if you can get to the end without a tally.



1. You don’t set aside time the same as you do with other appointments. You don’t just decide not to show up to your dentist appointment because you don’t feel like going that day do you? I sure hope not. Working out shouldn’t be any different!


So How Do I Fix This? Decide what days you’ll be working out at the beginning of the week by setting time aside in your phone calendar, written planner, etc. Treat it as you would any other appointment. This mentality will help with the consistency of working out, especially for busy moms!


Even if the time(s) change, you have mentally and physically now set aside time to work out and that is a very important first step.


Bonus: You should even do this with your meals for the week. Planning the week out takes 10 minutes max!



2. You’re overcomplicating  it. The harder the journey appears, the more mental resistance you’ll be confronted with. 


So How Do I Fix This? When trying consistently work out, baby steps are key. Don’t decide that you’re going to run a marathon on day 1. Start slow with deciding what days you’ll work out and then just show up. 


Quantity over quality at this point. Eventually, you may find that this part of your day is something you look forward to. And maybe you won’t. But showing up and keeping a “promise” to yourself that you’d work out, creates consistency. 



3. You don’t have a plan. You’ve made it to your dedicated workout time but now what? Showing up and not knowing what type of workout you’ll be doing takes time and energy away from actually just doing the thing.


Now is not the time to decide whether you’re running, doing a core work out, etc. 


So How Do I Fix This? Since time is usually the biggest reason people don’t end up working out, planning this out for the week like you would anything else is helpful.


For example,  when you decide the time (see #1) you should also add what type of workout you’ll be doing. This could look like following a guided workout on YouTube or even using one of my under 30-min at-home workouts. Whatever you choose to do make sure you’ve gotten it penciled in to help you consistently work out.


Again, if it changes that is fine. But we will give no opportunity for procrastination or cancelled fitness dates with ourselves. Yes? Great. Moving on.



4. You’re being unrealistic. That might sound harsh but hear me out. The moment you get to your designated time to work out, if things get difficult leading up to it, is it not the first thing you might cross off your list? Tell me I’m wrong.


I get that other things come before working out. Like eating, sleeping, after-school activities, basic life essentials, etc. But you don’t have 10 minutes? I’d beg to differ. 


So How Do I Fix This?  Select days that set you up for success and then decide on a workout that is most likely to be done. Don’t decide on a 50-minute barre class if that isn’t realistic. Strong and steady wins the race, and can even help build momentum. Ultimately, consistently working out takes setting yourself up for success day in and day out. 


Even if it’s 10 minutes, you’ve started to pave the path for what your brain (and body) selects to dedicate energy towards.


And then grab your highlighter, sticker, phone alarm, or whatever you do to deem things as non-negotiable “to-dos” for the day. Make your workout one of those non-negotiable priorities. 



Don’t think you can get a good workout in 10 minutes? Try my 10-min core workout and if that isn’t taxing enough, let’s chat because I definitely have questions then.


Again, show up for yourself, no matter what that looks like right now.



5. You’ve created unnecessary barriers. It is incredible the amount of things that stand in our way in the morning if we let it. What should I wear? Do I have to go to the garage when it’s cold out? Ugh, I need coffee first. These are called excuses if we don’t move them to their proper place and set ourselves up to have the best possible chance for success when it comes to consistently working out.


So How Do I Fix This? Remove the barriers. Decide what you’re wearing the night before and set it out. I’ll say it again. Set it out. Don’t waste energy trying to figure out what to wear, trust me it is a barrier, especially in the early morning. 


Set out anything that you might need the night before the workout (equipment, keys to the car, travel coffee mug, your yoga mat, etc.) And for the love of all things good, if you live in a climate where cold weather is a key factor, move your stuff inside! 


Let nothing trivial stand in your way from accomplishing your goal. 




While this might all sound like finger pointing, it really is the reality for most. These are all very common reasons why I see people don’t work out. And it doesn’t have to be that way.


Make time like you would for any other important appointment in your life. Your health matters. And I strongly encourage you to take a look at any of these items and start incorporating a plan to exercise.


 In all, if working out was easy, everyone would do it. And we know that isn’t true. 


So why not set yourself up for success, or just an even greater likelihood that you’ll get one in this week.