Gym Bag Essentials


Packing for the gym can feel like a mini vacation, especially if the gym isn’t your only stop for the day. There are endless gym bag essentials you need to have however, a few are actually non-negotiables. If you think about it, you’re packing for pre-workout prep, during workout equipment/attire, and post workout items to reset before heading off to the next stop. You might even have more essentials for your gym bag if you shower at the gym.


So with one big sweeping generalization, here are the 11 gym bag essentials you need to have (in my opinion) to be as best prepared as possible for your workout.

Note: Some but not all links throughout this blog post are affiliate links. I may get a small commission if you purchase through them at no additional cost to you.

This seems pretty straightforward but there are some key points you should consider when selecting your gym bag. The first being, you want a bag that isn’t too bulky and has enough compartments to keep all your essentials. You will often find large cumbersome bags that take up so much room and tempt you into bringing other things you don’t need to your workout. Do not just use your purse either. This should be an independent bag, preferably one you use for the gym. My favorite gym bag for years has been one from Vooray

Never heard of Vooray? Check out their duffle bags, totes and other exercises. They even have two sister companies if you’re interested in athletic wear and/or boutique fitness socks.

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Selecting the right shoes is a topic in itself, which we won’t get into today. However, you do need to make sure you have the appropriate shoes for your work out. If you are spending most of your time lifting, I suggest getting shoes that have a wide toe box (or really just in general) as it gives your feet the ability to grip the ground. My go-to shoe is Vivobarefoot. If you’re more into running, you might select a pair that gives you a little bounce like Oncloud or Hoka. Either way, shoes are one of the main gym bag essentials you need to have. That’s a no brainer, people.

This one definitely comes down to preference. I recently switched from a bluetooth headset that had the two earbuds connected, to two separate earbuds that go in a case, similar to Apple’s Airpods. Personally, I love my JBL pair which are so easy to charge and carry around for any trip, especially the gym. And hey, if you’re not a music listener, try using headphones to listen to your favorite podcast or an audiobook. And if you’re in the small percent that wear nothing at all (do those people exist?), then I hope you skipped this one. For the rest of us, this one is a must have.

Water is so important during your workout. While I do not carry one around the gym with me, I store one in my back for afterward. Depending on the size of the bag, you may even have a place to tuck this one outside of the inner bag which saves you from any spills. There isn’t much to say here beyond this: you need water before, during, and after your workout. However you do that is fine but if you don’t want to drink out of the gym’s water fountain, make sure you’re prepared!

While I realize we all have different fitness goals, resistance bands are always good to have. You can find a set of bands pretty much anywhere and they don’t break the bank. The reason this one is on the list of gym bag essentials is because when used correctly, pretty much any average gym go-er can benefit from them. Need to add a little booty workout to the end of your leg day? These are good for donkey kicks and lateral steps. Wanting to do a tricep kickback but the weights aren’t light enough? Grab your band and get to work. Especially if you find yourself waiting for equipment on a busy day at the gym. Grab the bands from your bag and fill in your workout with a mini resistance session.

Tip: Need to build a last minute workout? Check out this exercise selector on the free downloads page, which can help you build an intense workout from scratch.

This one is pretty simple. Unless you are enjoying life with minimal hair accessories, losing or breaking a hair tie can end your workout pretty quickly. I’d recommend having a few in your bag just in case. Otherwise, be prepared to make a quick friend at the gym in hopes they can help you out. No one, I mean no one, wants to sweat with hair in their face.

Silly? Perhaps. Necessary? Absolutely. I never thought this was one of the gym bag essentials you need to have until this past year. Sweating through your socks and then putting on your non-gym shoes sounds gross. Plus, in the event you need to continue your day with errands, fresh socks can really make you feel like a brand new person. Lastly, if you live in a region where the weather is changing, you may find yourself wearing sandals to the gym just to find out you don’t have socks for your shoes. Trust me, keep a back-up just in case. 

I put the hair ties and socks as separate items because they really are items that you think you don’t need until that one time you do. The same goes here – bring what you need just in case. Under this category, you can put anything you would need if you are going to shower or freshen up after your workout. This is open for interpretation but at least put some deodorant in your bag, alright?

This item deserves a placeholder of its own. Apply as needed. Enough said. My favorite is Laniege.

10. Hand Sanitizer

I’m not sure I have to spell this one out too much but it does deserve a special shout out. Let me remind you of how dirty gyms can be. Unless you’re wearing gloves, you should definitely carry a travel size hand sanitizer with you. Usually you’ll have access to a sink but just in case you’re already on the way to your car… Sanitize. Your. Hands.

This one goes along with the hand sanitizer as top cleaning items your gym bag essentials list needs to have. Unless you never touch your phone, headphones, etc. during your workout, you need these. Phones are so dirty on their own but then add all the germs you acquired from the equipment. Let’s not. Please just wipe your phone down after you’re done. The best way is to use the gym’s wipes if you know they are safe for your phone, or grab a couple travel size wipes like the Clorox or Lysol To-Go Wipes.

Do I really need to mention this one? If you’re coming from work or another event earlier in the day, make sure you have your gym outfit packed. I do think you should pack at least an extra sports bra or shit. Just something that you can change into in case something comes up and you don’t have time to shower or you aren’t going straight home. Additionally, I like to bring layers so I can take them off as I get warmed up. Whether that be a jacket, pullover, hat, etc. Some of my favorite pieces are from Lululemon, MuscleNation, and Amazon.

This one is on here because it may apply to you depending on your use case. If you shower and you attend a gym that doesn’t provide towels, like I do (unfortunately), then you need one. However, you may consider bringing a little mini towel that can be used for resting your head when doing floor workouts, keeping a barrier between you and the bench, or to even keep sweat off your face during a run. Heck, I even have a client who uses a towel as a barrier between the DB or barbell when doing hip thrusters. It truly is a gym bag essential based on its multi-use factor.

14. Gym Lock

This one is situational but nice to have just in case. If you are a person who has access to multiple gyms or a gym that doesn’t have keycodes for the locking mechanism, I’d make sure you’d have a lock on hand. Yes, the ones we had in high school gym class.They are super cheap to get on Amazon and worth it to keep your belongings secure. 

15. Post Workout Snacks

This might be your favorite one and rightfully so. Make sure you’re consuming something after your workout. Your body needs to know it is done working out and can start to recover. You can do this by having a food/drink (something more than just water) to get this process going. Preferably something that favors protein but there are a lot of options. If you’re looking for ideas on what to eat, check out this Healthy Snacks On-The-Go List!

As you can tell, the gym bag essentials you need to have can vary based on your goals, gym, and your schedule for the day. However, having some form of these items are sure to set you up for success no matter when and where your workout occurs. By making sure you have a dedicated bag for the gym (or your workout) and filling it with the right things, you can be sure that your focus remains on the workout, as it should be!

Gym Bag Essentials